And Don’t LET GO!
I recently discovered that one of the reasons I wasn’t experiencing victory in my life was because of my pathetic view of God.
A couple of weeks ago I found myself frustrated (and quite angry) with God that wonderful opportunities would fall onto my lap- then just before they’d materialise they’d be snatched from me!
I was desperate to find out what was going on! What was I doing wrong?!
Then my friend Mercy Dembetemebe asked me some questions that opened my eyes to where the problems lay. She asked:
1. When God gives you these opportunities do you thank Him?
2. Do you continue thanking Him every day?
3. Where does your faith lie?
4. Where does your hope lie?
My answers were
1. Yeah I thank Him. Sometimes. But then when I don’t see stuff happen I give up.
2. Not really.
3. In people. I trust people to come through for me.
4. In people. My hope is that people will (again) come through for me.
Looking at my responses you can also see that my attitude was the problem.
God takes us on journeys- sometimes the traveling may include a desert (or a few)- but even in those God provides.
While on this topic it’s impossible to not mention Israel’s trek out of Egypt.
Even when they were in the desert God provided EVERYTHING they needed. Yet what was their attitude? Constant Complaining.
Still, despite their very rubbish attitude, God faithfully got them to the Gorgeous, Abundant, Land He’d promised them.
Instead of remembering all He’d done: Getting them out of Egypt in a MIRACULOUS way- oh let’s not mention the parting of the gigantic Red Sea- and the food that miraculously fell out of heaven! Constant provision of Water! In the desert…
They also forgot that in all their many years of traveling through the desert their clothes and shoes never wore out- in fact clothes grew on their children! They never needed new clothes! Every single day was a miracle for these guys- Yet what was their attitude when, finally, God got them to the Promised Land? They forgot Who their God was.
The giants they saw in the land were not the problem. The problem was what they chose to see as bigger.
What broke Daddy God’s heart wasn’t that His children were afraid of the giants, what broke His heart was that after ALL He’d shown them they still chose to think of the giants as greater than Him!
They chose to believe that God had brought them ALL this way, sustained them all this time, yet when it came to defeating the giants He’d leave them alone and they’d have to “make a plan.”
God knew there were giants in the Land He’d Promised Israel.
Before they left Egypt God knew ALL about the giants- and He knew exactly how He would deal with those giants.
What Daddy wanted was Israel to remember Who He was.
At every stage of your Journey God is constantly providing.
Even when you’re in a desert God is providing!
It my not look like it- and sometimes it surely doesn’t feel like He’s got your back. But He does. The way to experience His provision is to receive it!
Receive even when it doesn’t feel like You have what You want yet. Declare victory even when you feel as though you can’t win!
It was a SHOUT of victory that brought the walls of Jericho down.
You have got to Grab what God has for You!
The way we do that is by thanking God when He gives us something… even when it feels impossible to hold on to the gift! Thank Him and Don’t stop thanking Him.
Don’t be like how I was, constantly putting my faith and hope in people- expecting that the answers I needed would come through people! That is a sure recipe for disaster!
Our hope, faith and everything else has to be in God!
You grab what God has for You by DECLARING every single day that: “Daddy YOU gave me This! I see the giants but I see Your greatness even more! You are BIGGER Daddy! WHOA!”
There are giants in every promised Land- the giants are not the problem- our attitude toward God is.
We need to get to the place where we laugh in the enemy’s face and make very clear to him that we are going nowhere- we WILL Grab what God has for us! If God Promised us the land HE will take care of the giants. End of argument.
Friends God cannot lie. If He promised it He’ll ensure it comes to pass. Because He Loves YOU!
Grab what God has for You!
Grab what God has for You!
Grab what God has for You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The King has called You to His Table of abundance- Will You FEAST with Him?
Hannah Viviers is the Creator and Host of the Dream BIG TV Show. She’s so very glad that the God Who Created ALL things is Her Dad!