Dream BIG Creed
Start Something.
Change the World.
Inspire Love.
Be the channel of hope that compels us to fly.
Be radical.
Forge paths where few dare to explore.
Be a Warrior!
Remember that every champion gets hit- it’s the getting up and staying in the game that wins.
Know the stars are not out there but inside You.
Live for a calling no human ears can hear.
Where others fear a fall embrace the opportunity to fly!
Truly Live. It’s the only way to eliminate the dreadful regret of wondering, “What If?”
Passionately believe in something.
Start a Revolution!
Don’t wait for change- You are the change we need.
Never be Tamed!
Never be contained!
Be Crazy!
Be Bizarre!
Join the magicians that bring us WOW! The ones who cannot stop. The ones who dance to their own rhythm. The ones who show us the beauty of living.
Be real.
Be You.
Stand up.
Speak out.
Give. Generously.
Share what You’ve learned.
Be a Game Changer.
Seek Truth.
Be Love.
Tell us of Your Remarkable Journey.
Ignore the naysayers!
Trash the negative!
Focus on your Destiny. If you do, no set back can hold you down!
Don’t Give up! Within You is strength greater than all the staggering odds against you.
You’re a DreamBIGGER. And this is our Creed.
So Dream BIG! Very BIG!
Inspire us to reach beyond ourselves and bring to life what we’ve always dreamed.