A Letter To My Children

My darling babies,

What you both must know is how incredible you are.

Luke, my miracle baby, you’re about to turn three- oh My boy how fast time has flown!

My miracle baby Luke
My miracle baby Luke

I remember you being placed in my arms for the first time- a while after your birth I watched your Dad sitting in the corner- he’d wrapped you in his jacket, smitten! We knew we’d love you- but nothing could’ve prepared us for how mad we’d be about you! Or how crazy you’d drive us- you and your sister both!

Lula you’ve had a MASSIVE personality from the moment we saw you- it’s grown bigger with each passing moment.

You are BIG and you are Fearless- you’re inquisitive and brave- you ask a million questions and remember the answers so beautifully. You walk like a king- as though the earth is yours and the people in it are all your friends- sent to enrich your amazing heart- how proud I am of you when you acknowledge all beings, giving each one a bit of your brilliance as they touch paths with you.

My daughter Sky- you are my Wonder.

Sky looking into Camera in Mommy's Room

You have Presence and you are Fierce! You’re just over a year and already you have a bold ROAR of your own!

Don’t ever stop being that assertive and sure of how amazing you are.

Sky you are made of cheerful bubbles and wonderful giggles.

As a newborn you smiled wide and beautiful- there was something precious, delicate and yet so powerfully healing about you.

When you walk into a room- you light it up and everyone in it. You have a gorgeousness that radiates straight from the heavens- don’t ever stop finding joy in the little things Chaya- that’s one of the things that makes you incredible.

As your Dad would say my heart pumps paw paw juice and chocolates for you my cuddle baby!

So why is Mommy writing this for the both of you?

I’m writing this and all the other things I’ve recorded for you so that you would not be shaken when it comes to who you are.

Don’t ever believe lies about you- even if they come from the mouths of people you care about- because sometimes my babies the devil speaks from the mouths of those you love… It’s a clever tactic but I pray you’d be smarter and see the lie when it comes no matter how “helpful”, “playful”, “prayerful”, or “loving” it may seem.

My babies love builds- it never breaks down. It may not feel good all the time- but it never breaks down. Remember that. Gauge those who profess their love for you using this scale: do they build or do they break you?

The world is odd- but remember that it too is God’s creation. If you see it as evil then everything will be evil to you- so see it in the eyes of God instead- as a place that is home to beings God loves most in the world- your fellow humans. Treat it as such.

Often you will wonder if the cruelty you may face is because of where you were born, or your gender or even your race- sometimes that will be the reason and sometimes not- but what You must carry with you always is WHO YOU ARE: You are royalty, a Daughter and Son of the most High God. Nothing beats that!

Your Dad and I love you. We’re doing all we know to raise you into amazing human beings- but my babies your identity is in Jesus.

Remember always that you were created in His hands. He wove each of you in my womb- so fearfully and wonderfully- He had designed each day of your lives to be awesome.

Way before I as Your mom even came to know of your existence He had woven you into His being- He had written your names on the palms of His hands and He had already loved you with an everlasting love.

Do not  let people tell you who you are.

Do not allow labels to stick to you no matter how wonderful they may seem- for if people can give you an identity then my dear babies know that they can take it away too.

Both of you came into this world fighting and strong.

Lula you my baby were not only a miracle baby but a miracle delivery as well. Twice I almost lost you. Once when you were less than twelve weeks old in my womb- but you fought with Mommy to live- and then on the day of your birth- that was touch and go- But You made it! You were born with your head swollen but you made it! Don’t you ever forget the fight you have in you!

Luke's painted face from play group

Lula I see you climbing mountains simply because you dare- don’t ever stop daring sweetheart.

My baby Sky! At only six months in my belly you already wanted to come! My body was sick often but you held on. You wanted to be here!

At your delivery you came out screaming and mad that you’d been held back for so long! Thinking back on it now it really is funny!

Sky you have been forging your own path long before you could walk- don’t ever stop. Don’t ever follow the crowd because that has never been you. I see in you the strength to go places where others fear to tread- May God lead your beautiful feet my baby.

Luke you are wild! Who knows why! But don’t ever be tame my wild one! Keep being inquisitive and wondering why- always remember that one of the saddest things in this world is a lion in a cage-

There’s a reason you’re so unconventional- take it from Mommy, that is absolutely fine. It will serve you well for what lies before you.

Sky you are Loud! Don’t ever be silenced.

Sky at Tres Jolie close up

If you decide to sing- sing as loud as you can my baby girl. If not that too is absolutely fine. Decide for yourself how loud you’ll be. How many great voices were silenced into submission and never lived out what they were meant to be… I can’t wait to discover with you why you’ve been given this super voice. It is a gift- don’t let anyone quieten you and rob you of what you’ve been given.

My sweet children if people try and label you- shake their words off and repeat what you know to be true: That You. Are. Awesome. Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.

In the course of your lives you will bump into some broken souls who have not yet healed- some will try to bruise you because it’s how they hide from their pain; I pray that you would have the courage to see their words for what they are and never ever take such attacks to heart.

Your Dad once told me that people who are bitter are unpleasant to everyone and everything- when they lash out at you it may seem as though the attack is personal- but it never is. You just happen to be in their way as they are flailing their arms- trying hard not to drown.

When faced with these seeking hearts, do one of two things- if you know in your heart they are not for you to handle then steer clear of them-

But should you feel you are to be used to restore them in some way- then obey The Voice inside- walk on the water with God but know that He alone is The  Saviour- never ever try to save the drowning alone- they will drown you too. God will show you who, when and how if you’re to embark on a rescue operation with Him. I pray you would have wisdom in this area.

So my babies- build everything  on Jesus’ love for you. He alone remains unshakable, certain and never changing.

You are both so very courageous. Inside of you has been placed the tenacity to overcome whatever adversity may come your way.

You are loved not because you do everything perfectly but because you are. Just be You- anything else is too exhausting.

I know with everything in me that surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your lives. I pray that You would dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

My babies- Everything  about who you both are was made that way for the purpose for which you were created. Revel in it and don’t ever let anyone tempt you to believe different.

Your number one purpose on this earth is to receive God’s immeasurable love for you- everything else will follow from you living in the truth of that.

Mommy Loves You- Forever!


Hannah Viviers is the Creator and Host of the  Dream BIG TV ShowShe’s also the very blessed mom of  two incredible dreamers, Luke and Syklar.

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