The Father’s Heart

Jesus told us, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

It is so key to know that His heart is to Love and Give. Everything else must come from us knowing that.
He didn’t say He came to show us what to do and not do- or how to follow instructions- or how to lead others to Him- all that comes when we know that He Loves us and His entire purpose of coming was to give us Life- His Life.

I remember reading The Scriptures and feeling SO condemned by what I was reading. I was a perpetual sinner- I felt I had a LONG list of obligations to fulfill that I knew I never could and that made me anxious about my faith and constantly hoping that when Jesus came back I’d be in a good enough space to go to Heaven with Him.

Some sermons I heard preached made me feel the same- condemned and not good enough “For the Master’s use.”
It all changed when I realised that God was not keeping a score card on me. He loved me. Period. If I never did anything for Him, He’d love me the same. If I never once obeyed Him, He’d love me just the same. He didn’t love those I deemed more spiritual than He did me. He Loved me as He Loved His Own Self. He loved me as He loved Jesus who had never once sinned, who had never once let Him down. When God saw me- no matter how messed up I was- He only only only only only only saw His Precious Son Jesus, Perfect and Full of Righteousness at all times. When You know that, when You know how loved you are- it’s not easy to trash that Precious Love. Knowledge of His Love and unconditional acceptance is what brings true worship- it’s what brings true Honour in how we live.

Now when I read the Scriptures I see His Love, mercy and eternal kindness. Never condemnation. Never revelation about my imperfections. Yes I’m challenged to change but in the grace of His Love and Faith.

If I hear a sermon that doesn’t point me to the love of Jesus and/or makes me feel condemned I know that no matter who’s preaching that’s not Jesus. Because Jesus never, not once condemned anyone who came to Him. He didn’t do it then, He won’t do it now.

Remember always that Jesus’ number one goal for coming to this earth was to show You the Father’s Love. He did that all the way to the Cross so that it wouldn’t be just words- but that His Actions would ring forever true for You: That You are SO Valuable to God-there was NOTHING He was going to hold back to reach You and win Your heart. His heart toward You has never changed.

People often talk about how we were never worth Jesus’ life- and in my hearts of hearts I believe that is such an insult to God- because He looked at us and HE felt You and I were worth giving all He had. Of course we didn’t deserve it- but in His eyes we were Worth the Price He paid. I don’t get it. I don’t know why He’d think that. I look at myself and cannot imagine what He saw in me to think me worth the life of His Only, Wonderful, Perfect Son- but I want to get it- I want to know the depth and length and width of His Love for me. Because more than anything that’s what He wants from me- to experience that Love. And that’s what He wants for You.

Much Love,


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