Dream BIG Manifesto

This is for the Dreamers. The ones who start stuff. The World Changers. The Lovers who inspire. The channels of hope that compel us to fly.

This is for the radicals. The darers. The ones who forge paths where few dare to explore. The Warriors who know that every champion gets hit- it’s the getting up and staying in the game that wins.

This is for the Reachers. The ones who know the stars are not out there but inside them. The ones who live for a calling greater than human ears can hear.

This is for the jumpers. The ones who’d rather take uncertain jumps and fly for just one moment than live wondering, “What If?”

This is for the Creators. The ones who don’t wait for change but make the change we need.

This is for the ones who cannot be tamed. The ones who cannot be contained.

This is for the crazy! The bizarre! The magicians that bring us WOW! The ones who cannot stop. The ones who dance to their own rhythm. The ones who show us the beauty of living.

This is for the Game Changers. The Impacters. The ones whose hearts are so focused on their Destiny no set back can hold them down.

This is for the ones who don’t give up. Who keep going against staggering odds.

This is for the Dream BIGGERS! The ones who inspire us to reach beyond ourselves and bring to life what we’ve always dreamed.

Dream ON DreamBIGGERS! Dream ON!

Join the Dream BIG Movement Below for Inspiring Stuff, Fuel to keep Your Passion burning and Amazing Stories of BIG Dreamers just like You.

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