I used to get SO offended if someone treated me badly.
If I were treated poorly because of my race, age, nationality or gender I used to get so OUTRAGED I couldn’t see straight for days after the incident.
Now that I understand my Royal Status how someone else chooses to treat me does not bother me- because I know that I’m Royalty.
How they treat me is not a reflection of me, it says absolutely NOTHING about who I am or my worth and value as a Person.
You are Royalty.
Believe it. Live it every moment. Walk in it. Stand strong in it.
You. Are. Royalty.
More About The Supernatural Ways of Royalty
– Taken from the Bethel Church Website:
Supernatural Ways of Royalty reveals your true identity as a child of the King of Kings royal heir to the eternal Kingdom of God. Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson denounce the pauper-mentality many Christians have and present your royal inheritance through Christ’s ultimate act of redemption. As a member of God’s royal family, you can: Share the King’s power of grace and mercy. Think and act with His authority. Reveal royal qualities for future generations. Promote honor and humility- with confidence. Cultivate His love for one another.