What our friends are totally Matters


I am overwhelmed by the depth of my friend Mercy!

I wasn’t feeling too fantastic yesterday- I was feeling a tad… (ok a LOT) deflated-

Mercy and I often pray together- but when we chatted last night- I was like, “I don’t really feel like praying. I mean I want to pray but I don’t want to be the one doing the praying…”

So she prayed.

By the end of her prayer I felt as though I’d been given a new lease on life!

My faith was rejuvenated.

Where I’d felt ‘blah’ her prayer lifted me up, perked me back into motion and got me believing again- BIG time!

When she was done praying I burst into praise! Because through her prayer I was made strong again.
Through her prayer what had seemed almost impossible was now utterly tangible.

I cannot even begin to say how vital it is to have friendships like this.

I pray that my children would have friends that point them to God’s Love the way Mercy does for me.

My friendship with this, amazing, wonderful, generous, insightful, humble, wise, intelligent, gracious woman, is like having around the clock access to super amazing life-coaching!

Merce you have a great gift in this area- Keep ministering Girl!

Just like I believe that partnering with my wonderful husband elevates me to levels I doubt I could reach on my own- my dear Friend Mercy elevates me to levels of faith and new discoveries of God I would be so much poorer without!

People often talk about ‘Who” our friends are- methinks the better guide is what  our friends are. Because the stuff they’re made of spills over into our lives.

Here’s to my wonderful Friend and an awesome Daughter of the Most High.

You Mercy are a Queen of Love.

Your influence in my life spills over into the kind of wife I am, it inspires me to pursue a deeper revelation of God’s love for me- it makes me a better woman and a more present Mom- Your testimony spurs me on to be a determined chaser of dreams.

You I love to smithereens!


Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens a friend’s character.

(Proverbs 27:17) International Standard Version

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