When to Jump?

Money. That’s one of the main reasons people feel unable to pursue their dreams.
I get that. After all it’s true, money does pay the bills-

But there’s another truth I’ve believed- it was precisely articulated by the testimony of my Pastor, Stuart Agnew, of the Tribe last night-
When God says JUMP! Trust that in Him You won’t crash to the ground- No, You’ll Fly!

Most times when people ask me whether they should quit their jobs- I usually reply:
“No. Start small. Begin working on your business while you’re working- When your own company begins to show sustainable profit then jump.”
This, I believe, is sound advice.
But when it’s God urging you to jump- my advice then is: Trust.

I’ve been hearing wonderful testimonies of people who have truly heard God and followed His lead- My have they flown!
This is not to say their journeys are easy- far from it!
But like My Pastor for instance, I can see first hand what his jump has meant, first for him and further than that for many other people. He will probably never know the Reach of his Impact- but it’s there and it’s Loud!

When it’s God leading you, where others see a fall, I pray you would see the opportunity to fly!

If we truly want to have deeply meaningful lives… If we want to experience these BIG Dreams we long for- then we need a renewed courage to Trust the voice of a God who truly loves us. And then, follow His leading.

Hannah Viviers is the Creator and Host of the Dream BIG TV Show

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You have the Power

For the most part we have the power to change anything.

Oftentimes when we say we can’t  _______

Could it perhaps be us saying we’re not willing to do what needs to be done?

But. What is important for us to know is the ball is always in our court to play the game the way we want it played.


Change is not always easy. Neither is it always pleasant. But sometimes it’s necessary if we need to go down a certain path to have what we desire.

Far too often we blame others, circumstances and environments for our unhappiness.

If we consider though that we have the power to change things- then perhaps we realise that the responsibility for our own happiness is in our hands; With that responsibility comes the ability to find solutions.


Dwelling on a problem does not solve it- it only magnifies it.

Blaming others for our unhappiness doesn’t make us happy it only breeds bitterness.

Blaming our environment doesn’t place us in a better position it only prevents us from seeking other conditions that would nourish, nurture and foster in us what we desire.

It’s easy to blame. But that never solves anything.

If we’re honest blaming doesn’t even make us feel better- it only makes us feel powerless and turns us into victims- When in actual fact we are strong, and beautiful and We. Are. Powerful.

You have the power to be anything, do anything, go anywhere You want to.

So the question is never what can so and so do for you- or how can they  change so you can be happier-

The question is never how could the environment change so you would in turn have the joy you so desire…

The question is always: How willing are you to make the changes You need?

Because every moment of every day You have the Power to have the life You want.



Sometimes we find ourselves in situations we have no power to change.

What then?

I leave you with thoughts from Viktor Frankl. A scientist who was held captive in some of the worst concentration camps in Nazi Germany.

Taken from the writings of Tom Butler Bowden 

“Viktor Frankl’s wife, father, mother and brother died in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

Enduring extreme hunger, cold and brutality, first in Auschwitz then Dachau, Frankl himself was under constant threat of going to the gas ovens.

He lost every physical belonging on his first day in the camps, and was forced to surrender a scientific manuscript he considered his life’s work.

This is, if there ever was one, a story that could excuse a person’s belief that life is meaningless and suicide a reasonable option.

Yet having been lowered into the pits of humanity, Frankl emerged an optimist.

His reasoning was that even in the most terrible circumstances, a person still has the freedom to choose how they see their circumstances and create meaning out of them.

– Tom Butler Bowden  (for more on this article click here)



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