Many times Riaan Manser has risked his life to achieve an insane goal:

He’s had a few other Crazy Adventures in-between which you can read about here.
I’d interviewed Riaan for SABC 3 when he returned from his Around Africa trip.
I had the fab pleasure of interviewing him again for my Dream BIG TV Show, after him and his girlfriend Vasti Geldenhuys rowed almost eleven THOUSAND kilometres, in treacherous waters, from Morocco to New York.

Below is the Dream BIG TV Show Interview we had with Riaan.
In this interview he spoke about some practical steps that make him successful despite the insane challenges he faces during his adventures.
What he shared inspired us tremendously, it was aired on Cape Town TV, we’ve shown it at companies where we’ve been asked to give talks, so today, I thought to share it with you.
Much Love,
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