Lemon Water is brilliant for kick starting your day.
It contains superb nutrients like vitamin c which boosts immunity, potassium which is essential for proper kidney and heart function as well as a whole list of other very important roles it plays.
Lemons also contain folate which is brilliant for hormonal balance (superb for improving fertility)- folate is also fantastic for expecting mommies and it’s much easier for the body to absorb folate than folic acid because folate is this nutrient’s natural form.
The great thing about drinking lemon first thing in the morning is it’s far easier to absorb all the goodies of lemon on an empty stomach.
DISCLAIMER: The detox program offered on this site is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding moms.
The recommendations provided are never to replace medical advice. Recommendations provided in my detox program and all accompanying material are intended ONLY as information and education and should NOT be taken as medical advice.
Gerson Approved Enema KIT (with catheter) – R1350(Pricing is for the enema kit only and does not include consultation or detox coffee)
DIY Starter Kit R1970: Includes Gerson Approved Enema Kit, Detox Coffee, consultation on how to administer coffee enema and recommendation on foods beneficial for detoxification. (We also provide information on foods not recommended during the detox process).
The Complete DIY Detox Kit – R2600: Includes a Gerson Approved Detox Enema Kit and Detox Enema (fully prepared) for 7 treatments, consultation on how to administer the coffee enema, PLUS a 14 Day Juicing and Eating Plan AND weekly consultations valued at R700) during the detox program.
The VIP Premium Detox Package – R2970: Includes a detailed 30 Day Eating Plan with recipes, 7 Fully Prepared Detox Enemas, (PLUS detox coffee for another 7 treatments) and ongoing support and consultations throughout the 30 Day detox process.
Contact us now for a free consult – NO PRESSURE, just facts about getting You healthier.
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DISCLAIMER: This detox program is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding moms.
The recommendations provided are never to replace medical advice. Recommendations provided in my detox program and all accompanying material are intended ONLY as information and education and should NOT be taken as medical advice. If you’re seeking diagnoses, treatment, help and treatment for specific illnesses (medical conditions) please consult relevant health practitioners, be it a qualified natural medicine doctor (and other qualified nutrition therapists), doctor or equivalent health professional. Neither I nor the Publishers accept liability for those who choose to use my detox program and related material provided therein. Please consult your doctor before embarking on this detox program or making any changes to your diet, especially if you’re taking any medications.
“In order to get the body to work, you also have to get the poisons out. You have to intensively detoxify.”
– Charlotte Gerson
When we talk about “Juicing” we mean making freshly extracted juices using fresh vegetables and fruit.
Never do we use store bought juices in a juicing program. Never.
Store bought juices, even if they’re “100%” juice lack the LIVE enzymes and other nutrients we need for the detox process.
Essentially juice bought in a bottle, can or any other packaging is dead. And contains no nutritional benefit to the body.
In fact, packaged juice can be detrimental to health because it’s been stripped of it’s natural nutrients; store-bought juices are essentially a high in sugar liquid.
May we repeat that store bought juices are never (ever) to be used in a detox program.
Juicing is a powerful detoxifier/cleanser.
This is how the CHIPSA Hospital (which uses the Gerson protocol in it’s treatment of cancer patients) describes the power of juicing: (Taken from: http://chipsahospital.org/gerson-juicing/)
“Vegetable juicing addresses both toxicity and deficiencies simultaneously.
“That organic vegetables are rich in nutrients goes without saying. But their ability to detoxify the body is outstanding.
“Have you ever unblocked your drains with caustic soda? Those of you who have will know the power of this compound, sodium hydroxide, in dissolving grease to the satisfying glug of the drain as it breathes its first gulp of air. Vegetable juices work in the same way. They break down to potassium hydroxide, a more powerful cleanser than sodium hydroxide. As the cells are bathed in this alkaline cleanser they take up the potassium and release the acidity (toxicity) which can be safely disposed of by the lungs and kidneys. Vegetable juicing is the only way to achieve this.”
It is widely believed that the body, on its own, cannot manage to adequately eliminate toxins that the body releases through juicing. This is where coffee enemas become absolutely crucial.
In their FAQs section the Gerson Institute warns against detoxing, especially with juicing, without the use of coffee enemas.
They along with other health practitioners advise that the body cannot handle the huge amounts of toxins released through detox programs, such as juicing for instance, without the use of coffee enemas (to aid the detoxification process).
The following was taken from the Gerson Institute’s website gerson.org
“As the juices begin rebuilding the body and encouraging toxins to be released from the cells into the bloodstream, a great deal of stress is placed upon the liver. The liver alone, especially in cancer patients, cannot deal with a sudden influx of toxins into the bloodstream. The coffee enemas increase liver filtering, greatly aiding the liver’s ability to remove serum toxins.”
For more about our juicing and other detox programs please contact us by reaching out to us using the form below:
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DISCLAIMER: This detox program is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding moms.
The recommendations provided are never to replace medical advice. Recommendations provided in my detox program and all accompanying material are intended ONLY as information and education and should NOT be taken as medical advice. If you’re seeking diagnoses, treatment, help and treatment for specific illnesses (medical conditions) please consult relevant health practitioners, be it a qualified natural medicine doctor (and other qualified nutrition therapists), doctor or equivalent health professional. Neither I nor the Publishers accept liability for those who choose to use my detox program and related material provided therein. Please consult your doctor before embarking on this detox program or making any changes to your diet, especially if you’re taking any medications.
Our detox program is designed using the tried and tested methods of removing toxins from the body while giving the body the wholesome foods it needs to rebuild and restore itself.
All our programs recommend coffee enemas as part of the detoxification process.
7 Day Juice only Program (Coffee enemas are absolutely essential for the juice only program. It is NOT Recommended to juice only without the use of coffee enemas. Read more on our “Why Juice” article HERE)
7 Day Detox Program (incorporates juices and food)
14 Day Detox Program (Incorporates One juicing week followed by 7 days of a detoxifying eating program)
28 Day Detox Program (Incorporates one juicing week followed by three weeks of eating that aims to further detoxify the body. Ongoing support and guidance is provided throughout this program.)
In every program we provide detailed eating plans for each day as well as recipes for each meal we recommend.
A typical day on our program would be set out like this:
Plan for today
Good morning drink: Lemon Tea (pour hot water over a slice of fresh lemon). Helps digestion. (If you can, drink your lemon tea outside in a sunny spot.)
Beautiful Movement: A good stretch exercise. Followed by a core strengthening workout.
Total: 30-40 minutes.
Breakfast: A bowl of fruit. (You can mix into plain natural yogurt if you like). Recommended: Kiwi and Mango. OR Juice 6 Kiwi and one mango. Blend with plain natural Yogurt to make a smoothie.
Mid-Morning: Bowl of oats. Do not add milk. Add ground cinnamon generously. If you’d like to sweeten, add freshly extracted apple juice.
Lunch: Super Detox Broth (See recipe)
Afternoon Power-Up: Cardio workout 30 minutes
Late-Afternoon Snack: Nuts, seeds and goat’s cheese. Include a herbal tea
Din-Din: Cucumber and Tomato Salad with grated Carrot. Drizzle some balsamic vinegar and linseed oil over your salad. Eat with baked Trout or Salmon (baked for 5-7 in oven pre-heated to 200°C).
DISCLAIMER: This detox program is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding moms.
The recommendations provided are never to replace medical advice. Recommendations provided in my detox program and all accompanying material are intended ONLY as information and education and should NOT be taken as medical advice. If you’re seeking diagnoses, treatment, help and treatment for specific illnesses (medical conditions) please consult relevant health practitioners, be it a qualified natural medicine doctor (and other qualified nutrition therapists), doctor or equivalent health professional. Neither I nor the Publishers accept liability for those who choose to use my detox program and related material provided therein. Please consult your doctor before embarking on this detox program or making any changes to your diet, especially if you’re taking any medications.
The full body detox plan is available on the West Rand (Gauteng). It includes colon cleansing by coffee enema accompanied by the trendy and very successful juicing diet.
Especially relevant to the programme is the core which consists of seven coffee enema treatments. First of all the enema rids your colon of mucoid plaque. This makes it possible for you to experience the detoxifying benefits of the coffee in your colon. Intensive coffee treatments can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. To counter this a juicing diet is highly recommended. Most noteworthy is that juicing is the quickest natural way for the body to absorb nutrients. Furthermore a 21 day detox diet plan is available to keep you on track with reaching your perfect health goals.
While on the internet this substance shares the same notoriety as Bigfoot and leprechauns, almost nobody wants to believe this stuff is inside them. In addition this is truly the most disgusting thing you will ever see come out of your body. Mucoid plaque is the buildup of mucus reacting to toxins in the colon as a direct result of eating refined foods and other toxic substances. Most noteworthy and ironic is that mucoid plaque removal is not the sole benefit of a coffee enema.
First of all coffee enema removes toxins accumulated in the liver and in addition removes free radicals from the bloodstream.
Coffee contains antioxidants and beneficial compounds, including cafestol palmitate, kahweol, theobromine, theophylline in addition to caffeine. These lower inflammation levels, and assist with the digestive system.
Coffee in the colon causes contractions and stimulates peristalsis (the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine, creating wave-like movements which push the contents of the canal forward.)
As a result of the coffee enema caffeine and other compounds travel via the hepatic veins to the liver. (The hepatic veins carry oxygen-depleted blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava. Also carrying blood that’s been drained from the colon, pancreas, small intestine, and the stomach, to be cleaned by the liver.) Coffee dilates blood vessels, the bile duct and furthermore relaxes smooth muscles that assist bowel movements and improves circulation. The liver reacts to coffee by increasing the production of bile, which is vital for digestion and excretion.
Doctors at the University of Minnesota showed that coffee administered rectally also stimulates an enzyme system in the liver called Glutathione S-Transferase by 600%-700% above normal activity levels. This enzyme reacts with free radicals (which cause cell damage) in the bloodstream and makes them inert. These neutralised substances become dissolved in the bile, are released through the bile flow from the liver and gallbladder, and are excreted through the intestinal tract. A Gerson patient holds the coffee enema in the colon for 12-15 minutes. During this time, the body’s entire blood supply passes through the liver 4-5 times, carrying poisons picked up from the tissues. So the enema acts as a form of dialysis of the blood across the gut wall. https://gerson.org/pdfs/How_Coffee_Enemas_Work.pdf
Dr. Max Gerson
A Cancer Therapy (published in 1958) led to the successful use of coffee enemas in the recovery of thousands of cancer patients. Dr. Gerson made coffee enemas famous as a natural cancer treatment when he pioneered the use of a special anti-inflammatory diet combined with nutritional supplements and daily enemas for speeding up detoxification.
According to the National Cancer Institute, an organic vegetarian diet plus pancreatic enzymes and coffee enemas were the main features of the Gerson Therapy that intended to build up the immune system of cancer patients and restore electrolyte balance (such as levels of potassium in cells). Many of his patients were able to stop their pain medications and help restore liver function and tissue repair by performing multiple coffee enemas per day.
There’s some evidence that coffee acts like a natural “astringent,” since it helps the top layer of skin or mucous membranes within the digestive tract peel off and rejuvenate (similarly to how astringents used on skin help with cell turnover). Some researchers believe that the top layer of mucous within the gut lining might hold a high level of toxins, and therefore, helping the body shed this lining speeds up the cleansing process.
In our opinion this is how mucoid plaque is removed from the colon.
Researchers from the University of Minnesota http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/42/4/1193 also demonstrated that coffee enema benefits most probably include stimulating the production of an enzyme created in the liver called Glutathione S-Transferase. This enzyme acts like a antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural blood cleanser.
Evidence show that coffee enemas can help with:
repairing digestive tissue
cleansing the liver
improving blood circulation
increasing immunity
helping with cellular regeneration
relieving digestive issues, such as frequent constipation, bloating, cramping and nausea
improving gut health
improving low energy levels and moods (such as fighting signs of depression)
One side effect of frequent coffee enema is an electrolyte imbalance:
This can become a serious problem but is rather easily countered with Juicing.
Juicing is a trendy proactive health crusade that has consequently delivered astounding statistics in the battle against chronic disease.
The five essential electrolytes and foods that replaces them.
High calcium foods include dark leafy greens, cheese, low-fat milk and yogurt, bok choy, fortified tofu, okra, broccoli, green beans, almonds, and fish canned with their bones. The daily value (DV) for calcium is 1000mg.
Healthy high potassium foods include beans, dark leafy greens, potatoes, squash, yogurt, fish, avocados, mushrooms, and bananas. The current daily value for potassium is 3.5 grams.
High magnesium foods include dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, avocados, yogurt, bananas, dried fruit, dark chocolate, and more. The current daily value (DV) for magnesium is 400mg.
Raw celeriac, wax gourd, artichokes, beets, carrots, seaweed, turnips, beet greens, celery and chard contain 75 milligrams of sodium or more per serving. When cooked without salt, sweet potatoes, spinach and collards contain 75 milligrams of sodium or more per serving.
Chloride is salt – 2.3 grams (level teaspoon) per day maximum.
Normally, bonds don’t split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, “stealing” its electron. When the “attacked” molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell.
Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body’s immune system’s cells purposefully create them to neutralise viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals.
Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur.
How Antioxidants May Prevent Against Free Radical Damage
Antioxidants neutralise free radicals by donating one of their own electrons, ending the electron-“stealing” reaction. The antioxidant nutrients themselves don’t become free radicals by donating an electron because they are stable in either form. Acting as scavengers they help prevent cell and tissue damage that cause deterioration and disease.
The fundamental principle of juicing is that our body is polluted. It has everything it needs to heal itself but spends all it’s energy digesting unhealthy food and fighting toxins. As a result the body becomes susceptible to chronic disease. Juicing reduces the energy needed to digest to almost nothing. In conclusion, healthy nutrients become readily available to help the body heal itself.
Contact us now for a free consult- NO PRESSURE, just facts about getting You Slimmer, Sexier and a whole lot healthier in just 7 Days.
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DISCLAIMER: This program is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding moms.
The recommendations provided are never to replace medical advice. Recommendations provided in my program and all accompanying material are intended ONLY as information and education and should NOT be taken as medical advice. If you’re seeking diagnoses, treatment, help and treatment for specific illnesses (medical conditions) please consult relevant health practitioners, be it a qualified natural medicine doctor (and other qualified nutrition therapists), doctor or equivalent health professional. Neither I nor the Publishers accept liability for those who choose to use myprogram and related material provided therein. Please consult your doctor before embarking on this program or making any changes to your diet, especially if you’re taking any medications.