Saturday, October 1, 11am…
The launch of The Beautiful Series Event was finally here!
It begun with a lot of panic!
On my part.
The day we’d been waiting for all this time was here- just minutes before guests were to arrive for The Beautiful Series Event, I’d only managed to get three platters of food served- we needed at least 19 more on the tables!
Gifts for the guests were still beautifully wrapped in the box they’d come in- they still needed items placed in them and set out on the tables for each guest…
Glasses were still packed away- so were the jugs…
Guests start arriving and our table-seating plans are out the window because I’m busy trying to sort out sound and visuals because the technical problems are just not getting resolved- oh yeah we have tons of food made but we still need to get it onto the platters and on the tables…
My friend Antonette has manged to do the impossible so far- we have glorious flowers beautifully decorated on the tables- oh! also, she’s had to RE-ARRANGE the tables all by herself because the way we’d set them the day before has now had to change too. Because of the technical difficulties, we’ve had to improvise a new stage to accommodate the projector- meaning that what we’d arranged as our front, where the speakers would be, is now the back…
Some ladies are calling on my phone, frantic because they’re lost- their gpses are taking them to places other than where they should be- so while trying to do sound and visuals; food; organise some help for my friend Antonette who’s doing a million things at once- we’re trying to direct people to the venue-
It sounds like chaos right?
BUT. Then magic happens.
The first guests start to trickle in- the moment they arrive- purses down- they roll up sleeves and ask- How can we help?
My friend Linnette Durant walked in- did the same- there she was packing gifts along with Ashika Ramparsad and Nicolet Britz.
Sisanda comes along- she’s on the verge of KILLING me because, why on earth didn’t I tell her I needed help! She scolds me. She and her friend Viwe jump into the kitchen- get the rest of the platters plated- at this point Linnette has just finished with ensuring all the gifts look gorgeous and on the tables- she rushes off to the kitchen to help Sisanda and Viwe…
I can’t even say how many other women jumped in to help- because as I was whizzing to and fro- I could just see a buzz of activity- the buzz included women whose faces I didn’t even know just giving of themselves wherever we needed the help.
Even after the event- women were still helping us, among them Eyram Ayayee and Maggie Dyer who helped clean up and pack away.
Even after everything she’d already done, Antonette was still grafting after the event- where she got all that strength is just astounding.
Here’s the thing- I COMPLETELY underestimated what it’d take to serve the number of guests we had! Now. I. Know!
We’re already planning for our next event- you can be sure we’ll have a lot more hands on deck this time round!
Shoooo! By the time we needed to start the event, the venue looked glorious and so very beautiful.
Each table had food platters and beverages, (again prepared by Antonette) of gorgeous lemon and mint iced water as well fruit juice.
I opened the event – after we prayed, acknowledging that this was all about Jesus- my dear friend Dudu came up and delivered her powerful Poem Lift Up Your Eyes.

Even now I’m still tearing up when I think of her delivery because what a beautiful mix of women we were at this event- we all had our various pasts, our different destinies our unique stories- yet there we were- called for a time such as this- all of us connected by our DaddyGod-
I thought of all those beautiful hands that were active in making the event happen- I told Dudu later that by the time she’d reached the part in her poem that said, “Look at the woman on your other side…” I was finished! Just blown away!
Completely overwhelmed by Daddy’s Love and the connection He’s calling us to as sisters.
Yes our callings are so very specific to each one of us- but we’re not meant to walk these roads alone.
I saw that for myself on Saturday.
After Dudu,
Ms Iris Cupido spoke and set the house on FIRE!
Wow that was amazing!

I can’t even say what Iris’ talk did or what it entailed- that you had to be there to experience.
Tertia’s Story
Then Tertia Butler shared her story- Tertia I’ve received messages from women, who, through your story, have been inspired to do more with the gifts God’s given them. Some of them say you’ve given them courage to tell their own stories of sexual abuse in the hope that they can inspire others like you did them.

And these are not the only testimonies we’ve received- it’s been overwhelming that the bulk of feedback we’re getting isn’t just, “Oh thank you that was inspiring”. It’s more than that- women are telling us very specific things they are going to do now- things they’ve wanted to do for years but kept putting off- now they’re not just thinking and talking about them- they’re doing it!
What it means…
To get such feedback has meant a lot to my husband and I. Because while I’ve been working on the front-lines of organising this event, he’s been my go-to person for everything that ended up coming to fruition.
So for us to hear that the impact was not only profound but effected actual, tangible, change testifies that this is indeed supernatural and therefore God.
Even now, days later, the song Tertia played in her talk, Family Tree by Matthew West is still on repeat in my head.
I love it because it’s reminding me over and over that God’s given me everything I need to create a legacy for my family- for my children- and for the women of this generation-
Like the song says, my yesterday doesn’t define me- what I’m doing now- what you’re doing now- that’s what matters.
After Tertia spoke we had a short break in which Nicolet and Sisanda rushed out to do a before and after look for Niolet’s make-up make-over of Sisanda.
Olivia, who’d been taking pics of the event joined Nicolet and Sisanda to capture the before and after look. That was fun- thanks to the three of you for making it happen.
God’s Provision
Then Stella sung I know the Lord God will make a way… for me.
I grew up hearing and singing that song- but at the event it had such deeper meaning for me…
Just three months ago all this event was, was a desire in my heart.
The moment I felt I needed to start The Beautiful Series Event, I did.
I had virtually no money to do this- didn’t have the expertise needed to organise something like this- nor the help to do it- but I didn’t ask questions- I knew it was God and I just started. How it’d pan out I was leaving to Him. I was just going to do what was required of me.
God is faithful. So faithful. And He did make a beautiful way for me- which ended up blessing other women too.
That story of the fishes and the loaves- I pray we’d believe that miracle for us.
God doesn’t care how small it is- He just asks, Will you give it? Will you trust Me to make it more?
Ashika’s Story
Then Ashika Ramparsad shared her story- oh my dear sister!

Also, as I was prepping for the event she’d given it to me to go through again and I’d read it- but to see her up there, speaking- telling us where she’d been- what she’d survived- how she now lives: not a victim but a victor! That blessed and challenged me so very deeply.
I know God will open more doors for her to share her story- because it’s so needed!
Our hearts!
Then my Booh shared about the heart.

He’d felt he hadn’t reached anyone with what he’d shared on Saturday.
Other than the feedback we’ve received from ladies who were blessed by his talk, Rico’s teaching is what everything that was shared Saturday hinges on- the condition of our hearts.
Come to think of it, when I think of every miracle Jesus did- he didn’t just heal- He had to deal with the condition of hearts. Whether it was of those around Him or of the people who needed a miracle.
The most important breakthrough to happen for me this year has come from Rico counselling me on my heart and showing me why I’ve failed in the past and how I can steer away from failure.
Breaking that pattern of self-destruction and self-sabotage has empowered me to achieve things I’ve struggled to make happen for years!
Now when I’m about to fall back into that trap that results in failure again, I hear my husband’s voice asking- Where is this coming from? And I confront those lies that have crippled me before and stand on God’s truth that I am delivered and healed and that my portion is to succeed not fail.
There is still so much growing, healing and learning that needs to happen in my own life- but I can truly say that I am not the same person today as I was three months ago when I started The Beautiful Series Event.
My heart has changed- and is changing more every day.
May we, as Ric shared and The Scriptures teach, guard our hearts with diligence because truly- out of it flow the issues of life.
YOU made it happen!

This event would not exist if it weren’t for every woman who has connected with us through this process and joined this Beautiful Movement.
I see all your faces.
I pray for you.
I’m excited for what God’s doing in each of you and I urge you to go for your dreams and pursue the things God has set on your heart.
What Now?
Our next event is on Feb 4, 2017. The theme is ‘Celebrating You’.
I am beyond excited because no longer are we to fall prey to false definitions of beauty.
Where was everyone when God said to each of us “YOU are fearfully and WONDERFULLY made.” ?
Yet here most of us are yearning for something different, buckling under the pressure to be this or that- asking for lights out when those moments of intimacy come- NO MORE! Come Feb 4, We’re Celebrating YOU!
Divorced? You are no less than you were married, We’re celebrating You.
Single? You are no less spectacular than your married buddies, We’re celebrating You.
Struggling financially? You’re no less valuable than the woman in the corner office and the big fancy house, We’re celebrating You.
Told you might never have kids- you are NO less a woman! We’re celebrating You.
Down and depressed and don’t know what life has in store for you, We’re celebrating YOU baby!
God celebrates You every moment He lives. You have got to join Him in celebrating YOU!
So that’s Feb 4.
I’ll be sending some more info soon.
Watch this page!
P.S. Here’s that song I mentioned earlier, Family Tree by Matthew West