Before You’re Crowned

Ever have those days you wish You didn’t have the BIG dreams you do?

Because you find it frustrating to have those BIG dreams but don’t see them happening!

Anyone who hasn’t experienced this is either lying or dreaming far too small.

Remember the shepherd boy who became king?

We know the story of David.

Samuel anoints David to be king. What Samuel doing this actually meant was that David was now the rightful ruler of Israel.

But David, young as he was, was a man who honoured process.

Can You imagine it- God calls you to, perhaps, the most coveted leadership position there could possibly be and then… you’re sent back to herding sheep!

We read these stories but sometimes don’t take time to dwell in them.

Can you imagine what the people around David must’ve said?

Oh, so YOU were anointed King-

How come you’re still herding sheep?

Can you imagine the humility it must’ve taken this young man to keep his heart set on God? Knowing he was the rightful ruler of Israel- chosen by God Himself! But- watching sheep. Day in. And day out!

Later we’re told that David went to serve Saul who was Israel’s king at the time.

Not once did David dishonour Saul.

He didn’t call him names.

He didn’t speak evil behind his back.

He didn’t say, “Yeah this guy’s days are numbered- God made ME the rightful king!”


David followed process.

And he waited. Faithfully. And without malice.

Sometimes it’s not easy to have your dream beating so hard in your soul you could scream!

You’ve seen the crown! You’ve seen where God’s taking You!

You felt that anointing oil drip all over your body- and You know and You know and You know that You heard God. Or at the very least you know what it is you’re supposed to be doing with your life.

And yet- try as you might, it feels as though your dream might never come true- you feel as though there are mighty waves coming against you- and you can’t break through!


The dream feels so real!

You don’t even have to close your eyes to see it- taste it- feel it! Even with eyes wide open- there it is: Clear as day.

In your mind- You’re- already- there!

But in your body- in reality- you’re right here. At this place where the dream seems so far away.

The question is: Are you willing to honour the process?

Because God cannot lie.

If He set it in Your heart- and if you’re willing to do the work- your dream will happen.

But there is a process.

Are you willing to keep believing even when people think your dreams are far too big and laughably ridiculous compared to where you are now?

Oh Beautiful One! Honour the process.

Because it is the process that trains you. And it is that training that you’ll need to have mastered by the time you wear the crown.

The crown is only the beginning of tremendous responsibility.

It will break you if you have not been trained to wear it.

David talks about this training in Psalms.

Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

(Psalms 144:1)

And where did this “training” take place?

It didn’t take place when David first walks onto the battle field to slay the mighty Goliath.

No, that training began long before that.

It began in the fields. While David was watching his dad’s sheep.

I believe this training was supernatural because later David talks about having killed lions and bears that had come after his father’s sheep.

Lions. And bears. Plural. Meaning this had happened multiple times!

By the time young David faces Goliath, David pretty much tells Saul:

“I have killed more ferocious creatures than this giant- watch this…”

And then, supernaturally, this young man (just a teenager at the time)- fights and wins a battle the entire army of Israel had failed to!

Eventually David does become King.

His leadership comes at a time when Israel needs a true warrior to lead them.

David is that warrior.

He leads them to victory time and time again. Most times in ways that defeated all reason.

Plenty times Israel went into battle they were insanely outnumbered- and yet- despite the odds being STACKED against them- they’d win.

Because they were led by a king who’d had the training needed to win impossible-to-win wars.

The boy who’d learned to trust God to be His strength as he watched over his dad’s sheep became the king who trusted God to be his strength as he watched over an entire nation.

Before you moan and complain about where you are- and how long it’s taking you to get “there”- realise that this may be your process.

The process you need to go through to receive the training you require for where you’re going.

Before the crown is a process.

The process is not always beautiful. But it is powerful. And it is absolutely necessary.

I send You Love,


One Life…

As my husband and I were speaking about the upcoming The Beautiful Series Event he said, “Even if it’s just one life that’s changed-“

You know the saying right?

Even if it’s just one life that’s impacted- changed- saved- then it’s worth it…

I looked at my husband and said: “No Babe! I’m expecting God for more than just ‘one life’!”

In that moment- that really was how I felt- That sometimes we ask for too little- we’re satisfied with just one life… when we could be expecting far more!

It sounds great doesn’t it?

But today I was looking at this pic…​

This is baby Siphokasi.

She was born just a few weeks ago. She is one life…

You might remember my friend Jennifer Swanepoel who’d started Gemstones Teen Pregnancy Crisis Centre.

She moved to Durban a short while ago to follow God’s call on her heart to empower and equip young women who find themselves pregnant, scared and alone.

Many turn to abortion

completely overwhelmed by this massive change in their lives-

There are so many reasons.

Reasons why so many of our girls, who are still babies themselves, get pregnant.

What I’ve learned from Jennifer is it’s easy to judge when we don’t know the back stories- or when we haven’t had to face what the majority of these young girls do…

Part of Jennifer’s ministry includes providing these young women with options other than terminating their pregnancies.

And for young mommies who still decide to end their pregnancies, Jennifer continues to walk with them in love saying, “They will need someone to walk that journey with them- because it can be very very lonely.”

Jennifer was in Jo’burg recently.

During our visit, she shared with me the incredible things God’s doing in her ministry and the ministries of other women in the hospital and surrounding areas she works.

Can you believe! That the official stats from the hospital Jen ministers at show that there’s been a significant drop in abortions since Jen started counseling there!

Jen has an incredible story of her own! You can find it here (and watch it when you have some time).

Part of her story was being pregnant at 16

with no support, no home and no way of looking after the little guy she was carrying.

That little guy is now a handsome, HUGELY talented, young man who’s just jetted off to the United States on a soccer scholarship!


Here’s Jen’s son Caleb being AWESOME!

So Jen knows what’s possible!

Baby Siphokazi… she is one life. One life who was saved because of Jen’s ministry. And while there have been others- baby Siphokazi’s life matters. She is here. And she is treasured.

Looking at her pic I understand the value of one life

Jesus, our beautiful Shepherd, shared a profound story that revealed how He values just one life. He said: I would leave the 99 and go looking for that one…

Yes, we trust God for more! But let’s never forget the value of just one life.

Don’t ever feel that the work you do isn’t worthwhile just because you might not have the huge numbers to back your tremendous efforts!

Even if it’s just one life you change- that- matters. And it’s worthwhile.

Jen will be at The Beautiful Series Event on October 1.

Should you wish to support her ministry you’re most welcome to contact Jen directly:

Sending You BIG Love!


Hannah Viviers is the creator and host of the Dream BIG TV Show

No more Desert!


I hardly. Ever. Linger on Twitter– but on this particular day- I did.

As I scrolled down I saw a tweet on the Bible Verse: “Be strong and Courageous…” from Joshua 1:9.

But then, I thought, the way I remembered that Scripture was it saying, “Be strong and very courageous…”

Turns out both are right. From different parts of the Scriptures. “…very courageous” is from Joshua 1:7.

So why would God repeat this call to courage to Joshua?

In this scene, Moses has just died. Joshua is now leader of the children of Israel.

It’s been forty years since Joshua had seen the Promised Land.

Half his life he’d wandered the desert; wondering when, oh when, would this dry, uncertain season of their lives end?

Joshua had never wavered in his trust in God.

The first time he’d seen the Promised Land, he was forty.

He was one of the 12 spies who’d been sent to check out this Land that God had promised them.

Joshua and his buddy Caleb came back excited. “Oh my!” They must’ve gasped.

“Wait till YOU see what God has in store for us!”

Yet the other ten spies who’d been with Joshua and Caleb are said to have conjured fear in the people- Telling them of the massive giants that would surely annihilate them should they even think of moving in!

But Joshua and Caleb weren’t worried about the giants.

In fact, from how I understand the Scriptures,  I’m convinced that these two men were so focused on God- so full of faith and gratitude for all they’d seen God do for them in the desert that they didn’t think, Hey those are some mighty big giants!

No! I think Joshua and Caleb were thinking:

“Our God is BIGGER!”

But, try as they might, Joshua and Caleb couldn’t sway the people. And despite all God had done for them in the desert- the people chose to turn away from God’s Promise. And returned to the desert.

So now, when God tells Joshua to, “…be very courageous…” forty years have passed since Joshua first set foot on God’s promise.

This time Joshua was not turning back.

He was going to go after everything God had for him!

He’d missed it once.

He was not going to miss it again!

Joshua is faced with one of the biggest battles of his life. God’s promise is right there- so within his reach. But it’s one thing for God to give it, it’s another for Joshua to possess!

Oh the abundance God’s given us!

I know and I know that there are people reading this who know this message is meant for you- at this time- in this season.

You’re so close!

Don’t turn back because it seems hard.

Or impossible!

And don’t turn from your dream just because the people around you are afraid.

It is Your dream. You stir up the courage You need to make it happen!

God would never have called you to this if He hadn’t known for absolutely sure that you could possess it!

If you turn back now, what awaits you?

For Joshua it was desert. What is it for you?

Don’t waste more time in the desert- this is your time to enjoy the abundance you heard God promise You!

It won’t be easy.

But it will be worth it.

God says, “Only be strong and very courageous…”

God has already given it to You! But you’re going to have to move in! And possess!

You can’t just pray about it. You can’t just declare it. You can’t just believe and “claim” it. You’re going to have to be strong. You’re going to have to show courage through your actions.

God’s promise to you is right there! This is your time to possess it!

“Only be strong and very courageous…”

I send You Love,


Hannah Viviers is the Host and Creator of the Dream BIG TV Show

The pre-Thank You!

WHAT a remarkable journey the The Beautiful Series Event has been!

It’s been a reminder of where DaddyGod has brought me from- a time of intense soul searching and stripping away rubbish, lies, procrastinations and thieving fears.

I’ve met women methinks will be lifelong friends (among them: Neziswa Kanju you KNOW YOU’re right there girl!).

I’ve reminisced with old sister friends.

I’ve been challenged beyond what I thought possible- through the journey itself and through women who are the definition of strength- like Ashika Ramparsad and Tertia Butler who’ve shared their stories fearlessly, and with such generosity, I tear up thinking of how you women have powered this cause.

My beautiful friend Antonette Hardy-

You! I can’t even start to thank because I’ll be a ball of slobber and gushing tears!

Nicolet Britz owner of Shadows and Lines who was among the very first to book her seat for the event.Then jumped in to do the make-up for our photo shoot prize.

Marcell Erasmus who didn’t even hesitate with giving me a YES! when I asked if he’d sponsor the photo shoot- then he went on to connect me with the legend that is Ashika Ramparsad.

Jennifer Maier whose business offered to give our photo-shoot prize winner luscious lashes for that extra glam look! (I must add that Jennifer’s article on “The Wilderness” opened the door to a dream I’ve had for years!)

Then there are my precious Friends.

Who’ve sponsored women they don’t even know to come to the event- because- they believe.

There’s CEO of the SABC Foundation Iris Cupido who’ll be at the event fresh off a plane from a UN Convention. She’d heard of our heart for The Beautiful Series Event and gave a resounding YES! to share her story and minister to women attending.

All I can say is, To every person who has a nudging on your heart to start something- just start! You’ll be amazed WHO God will bring your way to make His purpose a reality- if you’ll just step out!

It’s been powerful!

Receiving emails, phone calls, or texts from women who’ve shared their personal stories with us on how healing the ministry from our emails has been!

I was sharing with my husband how someone had shared with me that she’d realised a remarkable freedom through this event’s journey- My Guy answered that preparing for his talk for the event had done the same for him too!

He said, “I’ve been living on revelations I got 20 years ago! Now I’m discovering some NEW, Significant, Really COOL stuff from Daddy! Some crucial things I’d been missing have been found!”

The bubbling over joy in my guy has been a reminder of the power there is in this Gospel!

To all my sisters (among them my Mommy!) who’re holding us up in prayer- thank You!

To the incredibly generous women who’re jumping in to serve from my gorgeous niece Twilla Celliers, to Stella Rose Katombe (who I can’t wait to hear perform!), to Ms Olivia Sambo who’ll be taking pics, to Sisanda Zakumba who gave me much-needed advice along the way- while shouting our story from the rooftops, along with all

the other POW women who’ve been my voice,

sharing with others what The Beautiful Series Event is all about- y’all don’t even know how grateful I am!

Most of our seats were booked through referrals! So this Beautiful Movement is not just about me! It’s an army of women (and men!) who, through the network of Love, are bringing this vision to Life!

As my sister-girl Nezi would say- Bring on the Life Overs! We’re ready Abba!

As we get nearer to the day-

May the focus be Jesus. May our ENTIRE expectation be Him!

And for ladies who aren’t able to join us this time round but still want to be part of the journey please join our email list.

For YEARS I’ve wanted to share the remarkable stories of other women and we’ve started doing that through our email list.

There, we’re stirring each other up! Reminding one another how beautiful we are in Jesus!

It’s a lot! But let me stop here.

Remember Always, that You. Are. Loved!



About that Label! Tertia’s Story

18 524.

Eighteen thousand, five hundred and twenty-four!

That’s how many children are reported to have been raped in the year 2013/2014 in South Africa.

Yet, even with that staggering figure, it’s estimated that over 88% of child rapes are never reported. So that number: Eighteen thousand, five hundred and twenty-four, represents only a fraction of how many children are actually raped in our country.

South Africa is often cited for it’s insane crime stats- but this violation against children is a global plague.

Go to any country in the world and you’ll hear the stories. Regardless of how many you’ll hear though, there will still be far many more that will remain hidden- never told.

I asked once why this was something we didn’t talk about as much as we should. One woman, who’d been raped as a child, answered: “It’s the shame.”


Oh how I pray God would strip children (and adults) who were violated in this way of that! 

We hear the numbers. Eighteen thousand, five hundred and twenty-four. Yet, it’s like Joyce Meyer once said, it’s as though we’ve been desensitized.

Joyce Meyer herself had been raped repeatedly- by her father. She estimates that in her teenage years alone- her father had raped her over 200 times!

Raped 200 times…

18 524 children raped in one year…

88% of child rapes not reported…

Those. Are. Massive. Numbers!

When I hosted a talk show for Channel ED (DSTV 190) it was soul-destroying to hear, first hand, from various women, their experience of rape.

I’ll never forget Thuli.

Who sat with me in studio, and wept through her story.

An uncle had raped her. Repeatedly.

She’d told her family. Including her mother. And no one- Not one person in that family did anything to protect Thuli.

Years later, seeing the crushing agony she still lived with, was beyond heart-breaking!

How does a person heal from what happened to them?

How do they pick up the pieces and try to still make something out of their lives when, perhaps, one of the worst known violations to a human being, happens?

That 88% of children’s accounts of rape are never told…

That today, right now, the rapes are happening… That is a tragedy that knocks every bit of wind out of me.

I’ve asked God Why. 

And I’ve wondered how some of the women I’ve met, who have this as such a real part of their childhood, are still able to move in power and such purpose and… love God?

When I asked this of one of my friends, Tertia Butler, she said, “I’ve told God that He and I have some we things we need to talk about when I get to Heaven.”

For now, she’s left it at that.

This is something I don’t feel I have authority to speak on. So I asked my friend Tertia to share her story.

About that Label! Tertia’s Story

By Tertia Butler 

Your tongue is the most destructive weapon you could ever use.

Words can break you down so much that they leave lasting scars that cannot be seen, but they’re there.

Many people say that all the breaking down in their life made them stronger. However deep down inside they still have tiny cracks that let those negative thoughts seep in.

I know because I lived with those cracks for most of my life.

As a child I was molested by 2 different family members.

I never told anyone.

I kept it to myself.

Because of what was done to me, I always thought something was wrong with me.

I always thought I was “damaged goods”.

I blamed God for a lot of the things that’d happened to me.

Eventually I became an atheist.

I was a very hyper-active child.

My older sister was quieter.

She loved to sit in her room and read. And was thus labeled our family’s “book worm”.

My mom always joked that I was a monkey that’d followed her home… while my sister was a book worm who’d come from the library.

At school my sister’s grades were better than mine.

I didn’t care about school or homework.

People begun to label me as a “slow learner”, “stupid”, and “a plod along”.

When my mom was a child, she’d also been labeled as “dumb”.

She was very dyslexic, while her siblings were “clever”.

So I often got thrown into that pool of dumbness by no fault of my mom’s.

She’d always say, “Your sister is clever and you… are dumb… like me. But you’re better at sports!”

I believed it.

I believed I was stupid.

My grades ranged between D’s and E’s.

I believed I couldn’t do Maths.

I was never encouraged to go for extra lessons or to try improving my marks.

My parents accepted it and just took it as, “Oh well you’re not good at school. And that’s fine”.

Eventually I was placed in a “special” group at school for slow learners.

Being teased and bullied didn’t help!

When  I was in primary school my sister spoke with me about God.

I told her I didn’t believe.

My sister said, “If I pray and ask God to make you cough right now, will you come to church and youth with me?”

I agreed. Thinking  there was no way I’d cough!

She prayed.

I kept saying, “There’s no way I’ll cough!”

I’m not sure if it was God or my head… but the urge to cough came…

I thought, there’s no way I’m letting my sister win!

But try as I might I couldn’t hold it in! And I coughed!

So my sister dragged me to youth.

A few weeks later I gave my life to God.

At school I continued to struggle to fit in.

I felt I was ugly,  unworthy and no one liked me.

In my mid-teens, everyone around me was dating. Everyone seemed to have someone- I didn’t.

I kept thinking, “I’m damaged goods”.

Even the fattest girls in school had boyfriends-  the girl with bad acne had a boyfriend… but I didn’t.

There must be something VERY wrong with me, I thought. 

After I became a Christian I decided I wanted a husband.

I prayed to God asking, not for a boyfriend, but a husband.

I made a list of things I wanted in a husband, and I refused to date anyone unless they met my standard.

One day at youth I finally met my husband.

After a year of us attending youth together, God showed him to me.

We dated for three years and then got married.

Everyone said we were too young. I was 19. He was 20. However, it was the best thing I’d ever done!

We’ve been happily married for 17 years.

My husband did a lot to help me get rid of the damaging labels I’d worn for years.

He helped me re-program the way I thought about myself.

Every time he’d tell me, “You’re beautiful,” I didn’t believe him.

He’d often say, “I wish you could see what I see!”

It took me a long long time to change the way I thought about myself.

You see, I had a victim mindset.

Victim of bullying and believing those lies.

Victim of being molested and feeling worthless and damaged.

I had to retrain my mind.

I had to stop telling myself the lies that ‘d been spoken over me.

Today I’m no longer that victim. I’m a victor!

I run my own business mentoring online ventures. And for a period of time I home-schooled my children- even in maths!

When my kids went back to school their teacher told me how impressed she was because their maths skills were very high! I did that!

There’s a song I like called Get Back Up Again by TobbyMac.

People say getting back up is easier said than done.

But why must it be?

You put those limits on yourself! You take those lies you’ve been told and keep telling them to yourself.

I am here to tell you that you are not defined by your labels!

Whatever words were spoken over you do not define you!

You are who you decide you are.

No one should tell you who you are! Or who you should be!

Damaging words can become a chain around you, holding you back from your full potential.

You are destined to be great!

You are destined to be greater than you can imagine!

Yes! You can be that person you wish you could be.

Why not?

Stop believing the limits people have placed on your life.

It’s time to take back what has been stolen from you!

You ARE perfectly and WONDERFULLY made!

It’s time you actually start believing it.

Tertia Butler edited bigger 2
Tertia Butler


Tertia Butler mentors entrepreneurs on building successful online businesses, with a focus on using affordable systems as well as developing the correct mindset for business success. More at

Tertia is the Keynote Speaker for Dream BIG’s upcoming The Beautiful Series Event

TobyMac’s Song Get Back Up:



I went to Pretoria Girls’ High…


So on the Pretoria Girls’ High issue and my two cents…

First, when I saw the headlines, BEFORE reading the articles, I didn’t quite know what to think- because I went to Pretoria Girls’ High- at the time it was considered one of the best schools in the country with decades of tradition behind it- one of those traditions was the immaculate manner in which we were all compelled to conform to.

ALL girls, regardless of race, had to have their hair tied back- the rule was: if your hair reached your collar it needed to be tied up.

It was only in my senior years at Girls’ High that, for the first time, black girls were allowed to have braids. White girls could not.

No jewelry was allowed- no hair dye, no extensions, no nail anything- we weren’t even allowed to wear our jerseys outside of school without a blazer on top of them!

School started at 7.20am sharp- one minute late and we got detention- no if’s or buts and no excuses were allowed for late coming- ever.

We were to give way to adults and our school seniors.

If a teacher or adult entered the room we had to stand and greet them.

Chewing, while standing or walking, outside of school premises was strictly prohibited.

Our bags had to be a certain colour and strapped on both shoulders- a school bag was never allowed to hang off our shoulders.

Pretoria Girls’ High was super strict. In a weird way I liked it and appreciated that.

I enjoyed the boundaries and the high level of excellence required of us.

To this day I feel that high standard required from learners is desperately lacking in far too many schools today.

Most schools I visit now- young people have zero manners- it’s not expected of them to greet or show any respect to elders. I don’t know how many times I’ve visited a school and I’m pretty much run over by the kids in the school! That would NEVER have been heard of in my time at Pretoria Girls’ High.

In my opinion, should black girls be allowed to have their hair loose in all it’s glorious beauty? Yes, if it’s allowed for all students- so Indian, Chinese, White, Coloured learners with fine hair- should also be allowed to have their hair down.

BUT if it’s school regulation that long hair be tied up- then those rules need to be adhered to-

and that is Not racism it’s adhering to the rules- Something I feel we’ve taught kids these days, doesn’t matter.

We wonder why kids have gotten so out of hand? Because we allow them to do whatever they want- look however they want with far too few boundaries, if any.

Having said that, there were OTHER issues black learners at Girls’ High raised that cannot be ignored and I’m glad the Department of Education is investigating.

Did I experience any kind of racism when I was at Pretoria Girls’ High. I’d have to say yes. Two stand out most for me.

One was that in my earlier grades at the school only black girls were sent for ‘extra’ English classes.

It never seemed, to me, that this was a case of who needed the classes but it was assumed that if a learner was black she needed the classes-

I’d been an English first language speaker all my life, so… and I’m sure there were other girls from different races who may have benefited from “extra” English classes- but these classes were reserved only for us, blacks.

Whether the school meant it as racist or not- it was.

Learners must be treated equally- opportunities should be made available to all.

The second instance, which I felt was either utter racism or inexcusable ignorance was that in one of the ‘extra English classes’ our teacher told us her rendition of what had happened on June 16, 1976.

We all know the story- however back then- I was ten- had just moved to South Africa- had zero clue of much of the country’s history- apartheid or even the Youth Uprising.

The extra English teacher told us of how a “mob of black people” had marched into a suburb, some time in the day- “most parents were at work” and the young white children panicked watching this black mob moving in on them that they begun to shoot! Yes, she said that. A grown woman told us that story. As part of our class with her.

That was her rendition of young, unarmed learners, being brutally murdered by fully grown, gun carrying forces sent out by the government to crush them and force them into accepting an education system that sought to enslave them.

It was only later that I discovered the truth of what had really happened.

And again, that truth was taught to me in the very same school at Pretoria Girls’ High. We were shown Sarafina! in one of my classes.

I wept through it because I’d had no idea! And I felt so cheated by the extra English teacher- but also grateful to the teacher who’d showed us Sarafina! and the school as a whole for making the truth of what truly happened part of our learning.

As soon as changes begun to happen in our country’s political landscape- I remember Pretoria Girls’ High following suit in our studies- from teaching us the poetry of Struggle activists like Sol Plaatjie- to assignments on Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and Oliver Tambo-

These men were portrayed to us as heroes and of such importance to where we were in South Africa.

It was at Girls’ High where we had to learn the National Anthem as soon as it’d changed from ‘Die Stem’ to what we now know as our National Anthem, Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika.

It was at Pretoria Girls’ High I learned of Struggle activists being tortured, unlawfully detained and their “bizarre” deaths in detention. It was Pretoria Girls’ High that taught us the absurdity of the explanations given of how those deaths had occurred- and it was our teachers at Girls’ High who had called those deaths what they truly were: Murders. At the hands of the apartheid government.

That was Pretoria Girls’ High.

When I was there, high-performing black learners, whether it was in academia or sport, were just as recognised and awarded as their white counterparts…

During my time in school there were times when they’d be strikes and stay-aways and black learners were at risk of being attacked if they were seen in uniform going to go to a school that, at that time, was considered a “white” school.

During those stay-aways I remember, at Assembly, our Principal explaining why some learners had been allowed to wear their normal clothes to school on those days- it was for their safety. If the school had cared more about rules than black learners or their rights- I doubt very much they’d have done that.

It’s interesting how we don’t mention that some of our own black fellows would’ve been willing to attack and beat school going children for going to a school they wanted them to stay away from…

Is Pretoria Girls’ High racist now?

It’s been over twenty years since I left the school so I don’t know.

Are the black learners’ arguments founded? Much of what they said was and must urgently be attended to.

However, I feel it’s so vital, especially in a season where it’s so crucial that we as individuals heal, that specific issues not be taken out of context.

If the rules about hair at Pretoria Girls’ High are anything similar to when I was there- then learners need to adhere to them- all learners.

And we as adults should not support learners wanting to break the rules in the name of “infringing” on our rights as black people when it’s merely the tradition of the school expected from all students, regardless of race.

Ask me now if Girls’ High was racist during my time there- I’d have to say there were incidents I deemed racist like the ones I explained- and I’m sure other black learners may have had their own experiences of racism there too- but at the same time the benefits of being at a school that stood for something based on tradition, honour, integrity and a call to excellence were of tremendous benefit to me.

And something I wish schools were not under pressure to do away with!

Was my overall experience of Pretoria Girls’ High and my perception of the school to be “racist”?

I’d have to honestly say: No.

I’ve sported my natural hair for a while now- I LOVE my fro in all it’s splendour! And I’m teaching my daughter to love her beautiful wild hair as she grows- but should my daughter end up in a school where she’s expected to, like all other students (regardless of race), tie her hair up because it’s school regulation- I will support the school in that.

Hannah Viviers is the Host and Creator of the Dream BIG TV Show


Where’s my success at?

Ever wonder how come folks around you seem to be doing well yet you feel stuck!
And you just wanna ask God, “Daddy, where my success at?” LOL!
I’ve asked that. In this little video below I share the answer I got.