Don’t just build a business…

Seth no meetings

It was Jonathan Fields that coined the term “Don’t just build a business, Build a life…”

I remember being introduced to Jonathan by my all time favourite author and marketer Seth Godin (I SO encourage you to watch their discussion Here)

Life’s hard.

As a mom of three kids I understand, now more than ever perhaps, the absolute necessity of earning an income. But I also believe as we live each day it’s absolutely crucial to work toward not just building a career or a business but building a Life…
While Seth writes and speaks about living your truth, bringing your gifts and talents to the marketplace, he’s also the first tell you to not quit your job… because it pays the bills. Instead of quitting your job to free up “more time” for your business ventures he advises that you rather be super vigilant about your time.

When I was studying Social Media Marketing one classmate spoke about how she didn’t have the time to do all the work we were being given- “Oh show me your schedule and I bet you I can free up at least five hours in your week!” Our mentor answered.

When you make the decision to pursue your dreams understand that Time is your most precious resource.

Here are a few things that are helping me:

1. Write down the Dream- in absolute detail

2. Draw up an action plan to make that Dream come true complete with timelines (provide actual dates)

3. Break your action plan into bite sizes giving yourself GO LIVE times i.e. the time which a plan should be executed by

4. Have a to-do list every single day and work toward achieving the to-do’s on your list.

5. Cut out busy activities that drain your productivity and waste precious time

Your job right now may be a means to an end- a much needed avenue to pay the bills- that’s fine, wise even. But please don’t shelve your dream.

Your business… at the moment you might be living from one sale to another and doing just what you can to stay afloat- I get that- boy! do I get that… but please don’t shelve the dream. Don’t abandon the real reason you started this venture in the first place.

Don’t just build a business… build a life.

I send you Love,

P.S. Like My Page on Facebook here or follow me on Twitter @hannahviviers

Hannah Viviers is the Host and Creator of the Dream BIG TV Show

How to stick to your Purpose

Woman Running Edited

A few years ago I wrote down what I felt the Father wanted me to do with my life. It rung true in my heart and spirit.

Over the years I’ve been involved with various projects- most haven’t felt truly true to who I want to be and to that purpose I felt The Father lay on my heart all those years ago.

When I do something, even if it’s really small, that fits into that purpose I get an incredible sense of excitement and joy…
Because I wrote it down I’m often reminded of sticking to the path set before me- A path I’m splendidly passionate about.

The Scriptures say “Write the vision down and make it plain…” (Habakkuk 2:2)
I love the Living Translation of that verse which says:

“Then the LORD said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”

I feel that sometimes we fumble in our lives because we’re not running with the correct message regarding our purpose.

We waste time and energy in activities that don’t fit into our bigger picture, the picture we really want to hang on the walls of our lives.

Write down what you feel has been laid on your heart to do. Then decide that you will achieve what you were fearfully and wonderfully created for.