But What Does it REALLY Cost?

The other day I bought milk from a gas station. Two litres for 30 bucks. Thirty whole rands! Crazy right? I know.

Why did do it? Because spending about five bucks more on milk than I usually do seemed a small price to pay.
The gas station was on my way home. Had I gone where I usually shop for “cheaper” milk, I’d have: driven further (used more fuel), paid for parking (more money) and wasted time driving an extra 10 Kilometers for “cheaper” milk.

Economics calls this Opportunity Cost: The true expense of any activity.

It’s worthwhile to check what things are really costing us.

Efficient time management means producing visible results and benefit from what we’re doing.

For the entrepreneur there’s no room for time wasting.

We all get the same amount of hours in a day but some folks get a whole lot more done than others. Why? Because it’s not just about how much time we have it’s what we do with that time.

This applies not only to physical activity but mental and spiritual activity too.

There are times when wasting emotional energy on extremely non-productive activities (like getting involved in drama) hampers our productivity.

When we stay in emotional slumps too long, giving over to feelings of depression, despair and hopelessness we need to ask ourselves: How does this impact My ability to do something (Worthwhile) that could turn things around for me?

A huge emotional, physical and even spiritual drain includes relationships that just don’t work. Man! Those can be such energy suckers. Taking an audit of the various relationships in your life is important.

One of the most difficult things to do is sever personal connections.

But if some of the relationships we have are doing more damage than good we need to ask ourselves: What is the true cost of holding on?

Sometimes the relationships we’re holding onto ended long ago, but we continue to re-live the emotional baggage we haven’t let go of, day in and day out. What is that costing?

Driving a fancy car now but being unable to afford owning a property- What is that costing in the long run?

Working harder and longer in jobs we hate- What is that truly costing our future?
The list goes on and on.

I paid R30 for a bottle of milk that I could buy for up to R7 less at a regular store. BUT considering the time, petrol, and energy that purchase made me- I reckon I saved way more in the long run.


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5 Things You Need To Get Your Business off the Ground

1. Belief that You have something incredible to share with others.

2. A great idea built around what you love.

3. A MASSIVE hunger to learn more about your business.

4. A genuine love to serve your target market.

5. The unstoppable drive to achieve your goals no matter what You face.

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You’re welcome to join me on Facebook here or Twitter @hannahviviers. I look forward to speaking with you there.

The Number One Reason Entrepreneurs Fail

Failure is absolutely normal. It happens. To everyone. It’s an event. Or a series of events. But failure is not who you are. The moment You believe that You are a failure you’re done. The End. And we’ll probably never hear from you again.

One of the most crucial attributes of successful people is that they are confident.

If you don’t have confidence You might as well call it quits.

Having confidence in your abilities is not enough. Anyone who’s been trained and has enough experience in their work is confident about their abilities.

But confidence in self isn’t something many have. Even some of the most excellent people at their jobs lack self-confidence.

True self-confidence is not just about what you can do. It’s about believing in who you are.

Confidence, like most skills, can be learned.

Some of the things that build self-confidence include:

Putting yourself out there more.

Stop running way from trying new things because you’re afraid you’ll fail.

Raise your hand for challenging tasks.

GET OUT of environments and relationships that erode your self-confidence!

Stop using vocab that limits you and your potential.


Failing is hard. And sometimes extremely difficult to get over.

But it’s like that saying goes, “The only people who don’t fail are those who do nothing.”

Entrepreneurs don’t fail because of lack of money or support or anything other reason we often quote- Entrepreneurs fail because their self-confidence takes knocks some are unable to recover from. Then it’s Game Over.

The number one reason Entrepreneurs fail is a lack of self-confidence.

Confidence says, I have something incredible people need. I’m the one to give it to them. And charge for it.

There are a host of people who desperately need you. They need what you have and they need who you are.

Believe in You. And Prosper.

Michael Jordan Quote I've failed over and over

Much Love,



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You’re welcome to join me on Facebook here or Twitter @hannahviviers. I look forward to speaking with you there.

Simple Guide to a Fab Business Plan

Simply and Briefly Answer these Four Questions:
1. What do I want to do?
2. Why do I want to do it?
3. Who do I want to do it for?
4. How will I do it for them?


Hannah Viviers is a Personal Branding Coach, TV Talk Show Host and avid Blogger. If You enjoyed this and would like similar posts sent directly to your email sign up for free by clicking here

You’re welcome to join Hannah on Facebook or Twitter @hannahviviers where she interacts with like minded Entrepreneurs daily.

Extreme Adventurer Riaan Maanser on what makes Him Successful

Many times Riaan Manser has risked his life to achieve an insane goal:

On His first EXTREME Adventure Riaan rode around the entire circumference of Africa on his bicycle.
On His first EXTREME Adventure Riaan rode around the entire circumference of Africa on his bicycle.

He’s had a few other Crazy Adventures in-between which you can read about here.

I’d interviewed Riaan for SABC 3 when he returned from his Around Africa trip.

I had the fab pleasure of interviewing him again for my Dream BIG TV Show, after him and his girlfriend Vasti Geldenhuys rowed almost eleven THOUSAND kilometres, in treacherous waters, from Morocco to New York.

At one point they capsized. It was a GRUELING journey, but they didn't give up.
At one point they capsized. It was a GRUELING journey, but they didn’t give up.

Below is the Dream BIG TV Show Interview we had with Riaan.

In this interview he spoke about some practical steps that make him successful despite the insane challenges he faces during his adventures.

What he shared inspired us tremendously, it was aired on Cape Town TV, we’ve shown it at companies where we’ve been asked to give talks, so today, I thought to share it with you.

Much Love,



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The hardest things to achieve are often the Greatest

When I was a little girl, I used to spend hours playing characters I’d seen on TV.

There was one particular role I enjoyed most: co-host on one of the kiddies programs I thoroughly enjoyed. Years later I’ve managed to live part of my life long dream to work in TV. But my dream has not been fully fulfilled just yet.

Have you ever reached a place in your life that feels as though you might never truly live your dream?

Things get tough and the harder you work the harder it seems to get?

I know what that feels like. I know what it feels like to want something so badly your belly aches.

The dream is so vivid and so real there are times the Right Now doesn’t matter- you’re lost in that place where you’re living your dream- it’s so real you can taste it, you can feel your feet walking down the corridors of this splendid dream- and then it’s almost as though reality strikes and you’re brought back to now. Back to the place where your dream is still only in your mind. And, getting to where you want to seems miles and decades away.

What I’d like to say to you today is don’t stop dreaming. As often as you can, go to that place in your mind where everything around you is as you always wanted. And when you come back to “reality” get to working on your dream.

No matter how far away they may seem there is no reason your ambitions won’t come to pass.

Through my Dream BIG TV Show I’ve come across people who beat insane odds to make it. They didn’t do it just hoping that one day things would work out for them- they stepped out and did. One thing at a time. One day at a time.

God loves you way too much to give you instant success. It would destroy you.

There’s wisdom in you going through the ranks, taking one step and then another and then another.

One day you’ll be able to tell others your story. You’ll be able to share your testimony and it will elevate a multitude of people who want to give up because it’s hard.

Of course it’s hard. That really is why not everyone’s doing it. But you are. And you should.

One day dear friend the dream that is in your heart and head now will be your new reality. And you’ll have bigger and MUCH wilder dreams- WAY BIGGER than you can even fathom now.

Don’t ever stop believing, because the hardest things to achieve are often the Greatest.

Much Love,


If it was easy everyone would do it


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Are Labels Holding You Back?

Many of us buy items we grew up using.
Such as the brand of toothpaste, or dishwashing liquid- the type of mayonnaise or the car we think is best-

Growing up I thought Toyota was the best and most reliable car on the planet.
Then in 2009 Toyota made a Worldwide Recall of some it’s cars. I was dumbfounded. Because how could the brand I’d trusted all my life have made a mistake? And one SO Big?

I was a grown woman and yet my reaction was still being influenced by my parent’s love for Toyota coupled with decades of hearing what a reliable brand Toyota was.

On the flip side of things I’ve always thought Fiat was a rubbish car.

My parent’s first car was a fiat. It gave them endless problems and to this day, over thirty years later, my mom still expresses her utter distaste for Fiat.

For the longest time I believed this about Fiat too.

Lately I’ve noticed a few on the road I quite fancy and, truth be told, I wouldn’t mind owning one of those babies.

Fiat 500L
Now here’s a Fiat I’d be VERY happy owning!


So here’s the point of my car story: brands matter. Labels matter. A lot.
What we grow up believing of anything sticks with us. Those childhood labels are not easy to let go of.

In the same way we view labels and brands, we may have inner beliefs about ourselves that are just as solid. Some are good- others are dangerous.

Sometimes the labels are given to us by others- sometimes the labels are a result of our own personal experience.

For instance, if we tried many times and failed, we may begin to form an inner label that says we’ll never succeed at that thing we failed at.

Sometimes the label of failure in one area of our lives seeps into everything else we do, and everything else we are.

Last year, I believed there was tremendous breakthrough waiting for people in this year. But I also felt that breakthrough was not going to be easy.
Those who want it- who want to operate at a new level of AWESOME are going to have to break some molds they’ve been stuck in and move into what they were destined for.

There’s a Win inside You.
In fact there are many wins.

But to live what you envision you’ll have to be that person.
Who do you have to be to achieve what’s on your heart?
Until you believe that about You it’s going to be hard to achieve what you want to.
Check your labels- if you don’t like what they say about You, get rid of them and create the stuff of Powerful brands in your inner being.

Much Love,


You’re welcome to join me on Facebook or Twitter @hannahviviers. I look forward to speaking with you there.

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